Henry Wells and
William Fargo establish
Wells Fargo and
Company during the
California Gold Rush.
This is the start of the
Loomis history as Wells
Fargo is later acquired
by Loomis in 1997.
The very first
custom-made armoured
secure transportation
vehicle, later called
“Old Number One”, is
constructed and goes
into Loomis service.
Loomis is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stock Exchange in Stockholm.
SafePoint®, the premier
automated solution for
retailers is introduced and
is a major success since.
Almost 100 years
later, Loomis has a
“New Number One”.
This time becoming the
first in our industry to
use a 100% electric
cash-in-transit vehicle.
Loomis Pay – a complete
end-to-end payment platform
for retailers and restaurants
is first launched
in Denmark.
All payments
– cash, cards
and digital.